LDG Investment Joint Stock Company announced the resolution of the BOD on September 18, 2018 as follows:
Article 1: The BOD approved the result of stock issuance for the Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP):
- Number of shares expected to be issued: 2,000,000 shares
- Number of distributed shares: 1,865,000 shares
- Total distributed shares value: VND18,650,000,000
- Number of undistributed shares: 135,000 shares
- Regulation on transfer:
+ 30% of ESOP shares are transferred after 01 year.
+ 30% of ESOP shares are transferred after 02 years.
+ 40% of ESOP shares are transferred after 03 years.
Article 2: The BOD approved to increase charter capital from VND1,887,494,540,000 to VND1,906,144,540,000.